Software Architecture Fundamentals

A Study Guide for the Certified Professional for Software Architecture® – Foundation Level – iSAQB compliant

Mahbouba Gharbi Arne Koschel Andreas Rausch

Medizin, Wissenschaft & Technik

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Beschreibung zu „Software Architecture Fundamentals“

Software architecture is an important factor for the success of any software project. In the context of systematic design and construction, solid software architecture ensures the fulfilment of quality requirements such as expandability, flexibility, performance, and time-to-market.
Software architects reconcile customer requirements with the available technical options and the prevailing conditions and constraints. They ensure the creation of appropriate structures and smooth interaction of all system components. As team players, they work closely with software developers and other parties involved in the project.
This book gives you all the basic know-how you need to begin designing scalable system software architectures. It goes into detail on all the most important terms and concepts and how they relate to other IT practices.
Following on from the basics, it describes the techniques and methods required for the planning, documentation, and quality management of software architectures. It details the role, the tasks, and the work environment of a software architect, as well as looking at how the job itself is embedded in company and project structures.
The book is designed for self-study and covers the curriculum for the Certified Professional for Software Architecture – Foundation Level (CPSA-F) exam as defined by the International Software Architecture Qualification Board (iSAQB).

Über Mahbouba Gharbi

Mahbouba Gharbi ist Geschäftsfüherin der ITech Progress GmbH und berät als Softwarearchitektin seit 1999 namhafte Großkunden bei der Planung und Realisierung anspruchsvoller IT Projekte. Sie ist Vorstandsvorsitzende des iSAQB. Prof. Dr. Arne Koschel ist Dozent an der Hochschule Hannover mit dem Schwerpunkt verteilte (Informations-)Systeme. Er ist nebenberuflich Berater zu Themen wie SOA, Integration, Middleware, EDA und Cloud Computing. Prof. Dr. Andreas Rausch leitet den Lehrstuhl für Software Systems Engineering an der Technischen Universität Clausthal. Er ist der Projektleiter der Entwicklung des V-Modell XT. Dr. Gernot Starke arbeitet zurzeit als unabhängiger Berater für effektive Softwareprojekte. Seit mehr als 15 Jahren gestaltet er die Architektur von Softwaresystemen unterschiedlicher Größe.






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