The Classic Collection of Mahatma Gandhi. Illustrated

A Guide to Health, Freedom's Battle, The Wheel of Fortune, My Experiments With Truth

Mahatma Gandhi

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Beschreibung zu „The Classic Collection of Mahatma Gandhi. Illustrated“

"The Classic Collection of Mahatma Gandhi" is a compilation of four influential works by Mahatma Gandhi, beautifully illustrated for readers of all ages. This collection includes "A Guide to Health," where Gandhi shares his beliefs on the importance of maintaining a healthy body and mind through natural methods and self-discipline. In "Freedom's Battle," Gandhi explores the struggles and principles behind the fight for India's independence from British rule, emphasizing nonviolent resistance as a powerful tool for social change. "The Wheel of Fortune" delves into the concept of karma and the interconnectedness of actions, emphasizing the importance of personal responsibility and ethical living. Lastly, "My Experiments With Truth" provides a deeply personal account of Gandhi's life and his pursuit of truth and nonviolence, offering valuable insights into his philosophies and experiences. This collection serves as a comprehensive guide to Gandhi's teachings, showcasing his wisdom, principles, and dedication to justice, freedom, and the betterment of humanity.
A Guide to Health
Freedom's Battle
The Wheel of Fortune
My Experiments With Truth

Über Mahatma Gandhi

Ulrike Keller, geboren 1948 in Oldenburg, studierte Geographie und Volkswirtschaft in Göttingen und München. Nach zweijährigem Aufenthalt als Stadtplanerin in Nepal lehrte sie an der Universität Stuttgart. Seit 1982 bereist sie regelmäßig die Länder Asiens und Afrikas.


Strelbytskyy Multimedia Publishing




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