I Love You Beth Cooper

Larry Doyle

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Beschreibung zu „I Love You Beth Cooper“

The hilarious first novel from Simpsons writer Larry Doyle - and soon to be a major flim directed by Chris Columbus and starring Hayden Panettiere.
Denis Cooverman wanted to say something really important in his high school graduation speech. So, in front of his 512 classmates and their 3,000 relatives, he announced: 'I love you, Beth Cooper.'
It should have been such a sweet, romantic moment. Except that Beth, the head cheerleader, has only the vaguest idea who Denis is. And Denis, the captain of the debate team, is so not in her league that he is barely even of the same species. And then there's Kevin, Beth's remarkably large boyfriend, who's in town on leave from the US Army. Complications ensue...

Über Larry Doyle

Larry Doyle war einer der Autoren für die Serie "Die Simpsons", arbeitet im Showgeschäft und schreibt lustige Artikel für den New Yorker. Er lebt mit seiner Frau, drei Kindern und einem Hund in der Nähe von Baltimore. "Ich liebe dich, Beth Cooper" wurde unter der Regie von Chris Columbus verfilmt und kommt voraussichtlich im Frühjahr 2009 in die Kinos.


Atlantic Books




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