The Brothers' War

John C. Reed

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Beschreibung zu „The Brothers' War“

'The Brothers' War' is a historical book that seeks to explain the rise of the Ku Klux Klan and promote white supremacist views. Despite containing outdated and unacceptable arguments by today's standards, the book provides a valuable starting point for understanding the ongoing prevalence of white supremacist organizations. The author attempts to justify the rise of the Ku Klux Klan, a notorious white supremacist organization in American history, by promoting the idea of racial superiority and white supremacy. The book's arguments are reflective of the time period in which it was written. Despite its shortcomings, The Brothers' War provides a useful historical perspective on the evolution of white supremacist ideology. It allows readers to delve into the mindset and motivations of white supremacist organizations and how they justified their beliefs. It is a valuable resource for researchers and scholars seeking to understand the roots and continued existence of white supremacist organizations in the modern era.


Good Press




ca. 430





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