The Colonel's Dream

Charles W. Chesnutt

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Beschreibung zu „The Colonel's Dream“

Experience the profound narrative of 'The Colonel's Dream' by Charles W. Chesnutt, an African-American literary masterpiece that delves into the complexities of post-Civil War Southern United States. Follow Colonel Henry French as he endeavors to transform his hometown of Clarendon, North Carolina, into a society where racial equality and social harmony prevail, challenging the deeply ingrained segregationist traditions of the past. Through richly woven melodramatic subplots, Chesnutt presents a compelling tapestry of interconnected lives, illuminating the stark realities faced by black individuals in a society marred by inequality, limited opportunities, and systemic racism. Explore the deep-rooted fears and prejudices that perpetuated the oppression of African Americans, particularly in the realm of politics, as the novel unveils a thought-provoking exploration of the human experience in the aftermath of the Civil War.


Good Press




ca. 249





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