Cleopatra — Complete

Georg Ebers

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Beschreibung zu „Cleopatra — Complete“

This historical romance is about Egypt's last ruler, Cleopatra's life, desires, and love. None of the beautiful women of history has given the world such legends of her seductive charms as Cleopatra. She was the one who turned Rome's destiny and that of the world upside down because of her magnificence. Julius Caesar, whose corps crushed the conquered world from Canopus to the Thames, yielded to her, and Mark Antony threw away an empire and his honor to follow her to his destruction. At last, she took her own life by allowing an Egyptian Cobra to bite her. She took this bold step to avoid the dishonor of being paraded as a captive in a Roman triumph celebrating the victory of Octavian.

It is a sensual and intellectual work that presents a beautiful and vivid picture of the time. German Egyptologist and novelist wrote it with a masterful eye for detail and archeological sense of historical accuracy. It gives a good glimpse into the lives of the people around Cleopatra.


Good Press




ca. 407





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