Serapis — Complete

Georg Ebers

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Beschreibung zu „Serapis — Complete“

Serapis is a historical romance novel that features a story of the cult of Graeco-Egyptian deity pushed ahead during the third century BC on the demand of Greek Pharaoh, Ptolemy I, Soter of the Ptolemaic Kingdom in Egypt as a means to merge the Greeks and Egyptians in his realm. The cult of Serapis was spread as a matter of calculated policy by the Ptolemaic kings, who also built the massive Serapeum of Alexandria. Serapis continued to grow in admiration during the Roman Empire, often replacing Osiris as the consort of Isis in temples outside Egypt.

This work is written in a very poetic and tranquil language and keeps the reader's attention throughout the story. It is a must-read for anyone interested in Egyptian history or those who enjoy reading historical romances.

The author, Georg Moritz Ebers (1837 – 1898), was a German Egyptologist and novelist. Ebers wrote the work with the vision of popularizing Egyptian legends through historical romances


Good Press




ca. 332





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