The Sisters — Complete

Georg Ebers

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Beschreibung zu „The Sisters — Complete“

The Sisters is a historical fiction set in the 2nd century BC that narrates the story of the twin sisters Klea and Irene, growing up within the boundaries of the temple of Serapis and serving as its wards. Klea and Irene are entirely fictional personalities, but the writer of this work, German Egyptologist Georg Moritz Ebers, reminds the reader in the preface that he has attempted to give a precise picture of the historical features of the time in which these sisters live and function with the help of tolerably abundant sources.

The author presents vivid descriptions of that period without using complex words that keep the reader engaged. Through his accurate historical narrative of the 2nd century BC, George Ebers has given us a fair amount of information about the people, their cultures and traditions, their mindsets and beliefs, and all that existed way before us.


Good Press




ca. 303





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