A Princess of Thule

William Black

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Beschreibung zu „A Princess of Thule“

"A Princess of Thule" by William Black is a romance novel set in Scotland. The author took the inspiration from his trips to the Macdonalds of Tigh a Chaolais as well as the Thule House in Bernera. Isabella Macdonald is said to have inspired the heroine Sheila.
"ON a small headland of the distant island of Lewis, an old man stood looking out on a desolate waste of rain-beaten sea. It was a wild and wet day. From out of the lowering Southwest fierce gusts of wind were driving up volumes and flying rags of clouds, and sweeping onward at the same time the gathering waves that fell hissing and thundering on the shore. Far as the eye could reach, the sea and the air and the sky seemed to be one indistinguishable mass of whirling and hurrying vapor, as if beyond this point there were no more land, but only wind and water, and the confused and awful voice of their strife."


Good Press




ca. 558





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