Where Love Is

William John Locke

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Beschreibung zu „Where Love Is“

The hero of this novel is Jimmy Padgate, a penniless artist with a beautiful heart. He is a humble man and a die-hard optimist. Although his friends don't treat him well and break his heart, he focuses on the bright side of the picture. One day a wealthy heiress named Norma finds herself irresistibly drawn to Jimmie. Later she decides to forget him and get engaged to a rich man who pretends he's really in love with her but is hiding a dark secret. Meanwhile, Jimmie starts to become a rising star, but his reputation gets ruined because of a misunderstanding. The novel follows the intriguing events that follow.

Where Love Is presents an absorbing story with characters that are very different from each other. It is a page-turner and will leave the readers wanting to know more about the artist.


Good Press




ca. 287





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