Sorgenlos – Das ABC ganzheitlicher Unternehmervorsorge

Wie selbständige Familien nicht nur finanziell ihre Existenz schützen

Thomas Schleicher

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Beschreibung zu „Sorgenlos – Das ABC ganzheitlicher Unternehmervorsorge“

Why is it that no owner of a small or medium-sized company in Germany is allowed to be absent for more than four weeks due to an accident or illness? Because there is a lack of a functioning provision system and emergency plan for this particular occupational group - and therefore their own existence and that of their immediate environment is suddenly on the line. Thomas Schleicher also had to make this experience when his father fell seriously ill and both his craft business and his family were confronted with unexpected consequences.

Based on more than 20 years of experience in business insurance and prevention, the author shows what really matters in an emergency. And how a company owner can systematically make the appropriate provisions for himself, his family and his company.


Verlag Barbara Budrich




ca. 96





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