The Adaptive Ultimate

Stanley G. Weinbaum

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Beschreibung zu „The Adaptive Ultimate“

This is a science fiction short story that tells the story of an experimental medical procedure performed on a dying woman, Kyra Zelas. According to Scott, recovering from a disease or injury is simply a matter of adaptation. He made a serum out of fruit flies, which were the most adaptable creatures he could find. Bach is doubtful, but he has a patient who is only hours away from death. Kyra Zelas, who is dying, agrees to the procedure. The procedure brings her back from the brink of death, but it also grants her unexpected adaptability, making her extremely dangerous. Dr. Daniel Scott and his colleague, Dr. Herman Bach of Grand Mercy Hospital, who performed the surgery, must find a way to stop her, but will they be able to remove the unexpected adaptability abilities she acquired after the surgery?


Good Press




ca. 25





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