Teruo Nakamura: The Unbeaten Soldier of World War II

Robert P. Gardnett

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Beschreibung zu „Teruo Nakamura: The Unbeaten Soldier of World War II“

World War II has given birth to many events in the history of the world. On the one hand brutal and hellish slaughter, on the other hand the desire for human survival. It was as if everything came together at one point. So, as expected, some amazing and heartbreaking things have happened on this huge battlefield. At the same time the worst and the best of humanity; Both sides tell different stories of the world war. In addition to many special events, World War II also introduced us to a number of 'special' characters.This book is about one such special character who remains unbeaten till 1974. Read this fascinating and thrilling true story of the unbeaten soldier of second world war.


Bluebird Publications




ca. 4





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