The Etymology of Local Names

With a short introduction to the relationship of languages. Teutonic names

Richard Morris

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Beschreibung zu „The Etymology of Local Names“

This book explains in depth the etymology of English local names, which is with a short introduction to the relationship of languages. This is a pictorial history of England. As the preface says: "Such old names of places often long outlive both the people that bestowed them, and nearly all the material monuments of their occupancy. The language, as a vehicle of oral communication, may gradually be forgotten and be heard no more where it was once in universal use, and the old topographical nomenclature may still remain unchanged."

Über Richard Morris

Richard has been a pioneer in both Silicon Valley and the UK, building the internet infrastructure and services we use as utilities today. Wanting to focus more on social impact, he co-founded and manages TheGivingMachine, a not-for-profit social enterprise that enables us all to shop and give for free to the causes of our choice. Enabling personalised, free giving as a behaviour choice is his passion and so far, over 500,000 free donations have been generated benefiting thousands of UK charities and schools via TheGivingMachine. Richard is also a trustee and vice chair of East Herts YMCA and lives in Bishop’s Stortford with his wife Connie, two children (Alexandra and James), Max the dog and nine fish.


Good Press




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