Fort in the Jungle

Percival Christopher Wren

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Beschreibung zu „Fort in the Jungle“

"The jungle fort of Houi-Ninh, its back to the swift and mighty river Meh Song, its front and flanks to the illimitable Annamese jungle, stood like a little rock, almost submerged beneath a deep green sea. Behind it, a theoretically pacified land of peaceful if resentful villages, set in rice-field, forest, plain and swamp; before it, the unconquerable jungle, its dank and gloomy depths the home and defence of fierce swift jungle-men, predatory, savage, and devilishly cruel. And beyond that vast uncharted sea of densest forest and impenetrable swamp, a further terra incognita; and then China, inimical, enigmatic and sinister…" 'Fort in the Jungle' is a novel by Percival Wren Christopher set in the Indo-China forest land. It tells of the adventures of Sinclair Noel Brodie Dysart, a former trooper in Her Majesty's Lifeguards, and who is now by an interesting series of events, a legionnaire in the French Foreign Legion stationed in the Annamese jungle.


Good Press




ca. 287





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