JIRA 6.x Administration Cookbook

Patrick Li

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In Detail

Atlassian JIRA is an enterprise issue tracker system. One of its key strengths is its ability to adapt to the needs of an organization, from the frontend user interface, to providing a platform for add-ons to extend its capabilities.

The book starts with upgrading your existing JIRA instance, and tasks you can perform on the server level to better maintain it. We then delve deeper into adapting JIRA to your organization's needs, starting with the visual elements of setting up custom forms to capture important data with custom fields and screens, and moving on to ensuring data integrity through defining field behaviors.

Furthermore, we'll gain deeper insights into JIRA's e-mail capabilities, including managing outgoing e-mail rules and processing incoming e-mails for automated issue creation. The book concludes with some tips and tricks that will help make things much easier for administrators, such as running scripts to automate tasks, easy access to logs, and tools to help troubleshooting problems.


A comprehensive guide, full of practical recipes with real-life JIRA administration challenges, solutions, and examples with illustrations from the actual application.

Who this book is for

If you are an administrator who will be customizing, supporting, and maintaining JIRA for your organization, this book is for you. Familiarity with the core concepts of JIRA is essential. For some recipes, basic understanding in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript will also be helpful.


Packt Publishing




ca. 159





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