Discovery of Australia by de Quiros in the Year 1606

Patrick F. Cardinal Moran Archbishop of Sydney

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Beschreibung zu „Discovery of Australia by de Quiros in the Year 1606“

"Discovery of Australia by de Quiros in the Year 1606" is a historical novel written by Cardinal Patrick Moran, the first Australian Cardinal ever chosen. Cardinal Moran adds his weight to the argument that it is Portuguese sailors who were the first Europeans to discover the Australian continent. He attributes the discovery to the Portugese born explorer Pedro Fernandez de Quiros in the year 1606. He opines, "Till within the last few years the opinion very generally prevailed that the Island of Santo, the chief island of the New Hebrides, was the Great Land discovered by De Quiros…I propose in the present discourse to submit the claims of Australia to be the Great Southern Land thus discovered it 1606 by De Quiros and not the Island of Santos."


Good Press




ca. 37





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