CSD 02.08.2014 Hamburg

Nicolaus Dinter

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Beschreibung zu „CSD 02.08.2014 Hamburg“

This is the product, of the CSD in Hamburg at the 02.08.2014. where I worked togehter with this people, we had have mutch fun and enjoy the day, so I hope You enjoy the book.

It was a graet inspiration, so I hope to inspire You by this book. The CSD in Hamburg is so peacefull, happyness and love, that I want to catch this in the picture. Try this book to get prideness.

I can not discribe the emotion and feelings inside this book, You must look and enjoy it. I have a lot of friends out theire and enjoy them so it is a little thanks I can say.

Über Nicolaus Dinter

Nicolaus Dinter study graphic and design, psychologie and work on social projects, www.nicolaus-dinter.com and for a company. I like to work with people, they emotion, the inspiration and feelings....

I try to bring out the people like they inspirated. I catch the situation on this moment it is happend. Try this book and dream, skill you or enjoy it.

I can not change the world, but you can help me to colour the world, by bying this book.


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