Who Was The Enemy?

A Deep Look Within

Mumin Godwin Mumin Goodwin Abdul Mumin Muhammad

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Beschreibung zu „Who Was The Enemy?“

I used to believe that I had many enemies, but I have come to realize that the (inner me) or enemy was I all along. With narcissistic tendencies, I refused to look at my reflection, I was too proud and filled with self-importance. After a few months of practicing Buddhism, including working on self awareness, I began to see my flaws and imperfections. I was surprised by how selfish and self-centered I was towards others.

I began to see that other's feelings matter, only because I was able to face my own feelings about myself without condemnation, self-ridicule. I began to see that the world does not revolve around me and that everyone is important no matter how I personally felt. I realized that I am not perfect but I can be my best. I now see that it was never about changing my personality, we can only improve ourselves. I first had to accept that I have flaws too, and that may never change, this took unconditional love. The only thing I can do is be compassionate to myself and share it with others.






ca. 43





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