Prairie Smoke, a Collection of Lore of the Prairies

Melvin R. Gilmore

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Beschreibung zu „Prairie Smoke, a Collection of Lore of the Prairies“

Prairie Smoke, a Collection of Lore of the Prairies by Melvin R. Gilmore is about the lives and culture of Native American tribes throughout what is now considered North Dakota. Excerpt: "The native tribes of North Dakota are of three different linguistic stocks or races. These are the Algonkian, Siouan and Caddoan. The Algonkian race is represented in North Dakota by one nation, the Chippewa or Ojibwa. The Siouan race is represented within our state boundaries by three nations, the Dakota (sometimes called Sioux), the Mandan, and the Hidatsa (who are also called Gros Ventre and Minnetari). The Caddoan race is represented by one nation, the Arikara. Other nations of the Caddoan race are the Pawnees, the Wichita, and the Waco farther south."


Good Press




ca. 112





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