The Belfry

May Sinclair

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Beschreibung zu „The Belfry“

"The Belfry" is a novel by Mary Sinclair, a famous British writer who wrote about two dozen books, short stories, and poetry and actively participated in the suffrage movement. The novel is written in a lively, journalistic style and tells about the events that lead up to the scenes of The Great War (WWI). Some of the scenes from the life of the heroes were written from the author's real-life experiences as a volunteer of the Munro Ambulance Corps, a charitable organization that aided wounded Belgian soldiers on the Western Front in Flanders. The main characters are Belfry, a successful little author, half genius, half bounder, and his wife, a cathedral upbringing girl who loves his talent and despises his flaws. The complicated relations between the characters develop in the background of the evolving war, making them escape from one Belgium village to another to save themselves from the horrors of the battles.


Good Press




ca. 294





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