Satisfied Thanks to Minimalism - Why Making Less Happier

Throw Ballast Overboard! (Minimalism: Declutter your life, home, mind & soul)

Lilja Lindström

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Beschreibung zu „Satisfied Thanks to Minimalism - Why Making Less Happier“

"About the book" Satisfied Thanks to Minimalism - Why Making Less Happier: Throw Ballast Overboard! (Minimalism: Declutter your life, home, mind & soul)

We live too fast, rush through overfull days, and there is always too much lying around. But that could change. Because: In every one of us is the stuff of the time-millionaire. We ourselves are the ones who turn the clock, because we are stuffing more and more into our everyday lives, and that makes our precious time of life short. We do not have too little time, but too much to do. In this way we ourselves bring the hectic pace into our lives, which we want to avoid. Never really get to the point, and always thinking somewhere else.

A simple life with more success, freedom, happiness, money, love and time - that's what we all want. But in our modern performance-oriented society, however, this simplicity often falls by the wayside: consumption, ownership and performance seem to be the more important values, at least superficially.

Minimalism as a way of life refers to a way of living that enables everyone to concentrate on the essential things. Minimalism can, but does not have to cover all areas of life. Whoever decides to want to live minimalistically, usually does so very consciously. The motives are almost always similar:

# Pressure to perform and career constraints: Too much stress at work, in studies and in leisure time
# Excessive lifestyle...body worship, shopping and social media communication: overtaxed by exaggeration and abundance
# Manipulation by the marketing industry: social coercion to possess certain consumer goods

Minimalism means self-determination and self-realization. Do not let others or society dictate what a good and right life should look like. Freeing yourself from black and white thinking, reducing ownership and responsibilities to save time and money and have more energy for family, friends, hobbies and travel.

Start today by making the most of your life and building a positive mindset.

Becoming a MINIMALIST...begins in the HEAD!


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1 Kommentar zu „Satisfied Thanks to Minimalism - Why Making Less Happier“

Vicky_ 📕 – 10.12.2021
Ein guter Ratgeber um sein eigenes Leben zu entrümpeln. Wer sich für das Thema Minimalismus interessiert oder aber Minimalismus wirklich leben möchte der ist mit diesem Buch als Ratgeber gut beraten. Dieses Buch erklärt gut strukturiert was Minimalismus überhaupt ist und worauf es aufbaut. Es erklärt gut und nachvollziehbar die Vorteile des Minimalismus es und zeigt wie man Minimalismus auch am Arbeitsplatz leben kann. Doch nicht nur der Arbeitsplatz wird angesprochen es erklärt auch detailliert mit guten Ratschlägen und Tipps wie man privat ein minimalistisches Leben führen kann. Außerdem zeigt es anhand von Beispielen was für Methoden man anwenden kann um ein minimalistisches Leben zu führen oder in den Minimalismus einzusteigen. Mir hat dieses Buch sehr gut gefallen und vor allen Dingen gezeigt was alles nicht nötig ist um ein glückliches Leben zu führen.

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