Mr. Wycherly's Wards

L. Allen Harker

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Beschreibung zu „Mr. Wycherly's Wards“

This book is the sequel to Miss Esperance and Mr. Wycherly by L. Allen Harker. It starts with Mr. Wycherly's relocation from rural Scotland to Oxford with his two adopted boys. They lacked the necessary equipment to tackle housekeeping in the new place, but they dealt with a humorous approach. But ultimately, a kind wife of an old friend, Jane-Anne, comes to their rescue. She is passionate about God and Mr. Wycherly and has a temperament that distracts her from finding satisfaction in housekeeping. The story is full of several intriguing events that follow Mr. Wycherly.

This novel stands out mainly due to numerous caring characters and the author's light-handed attitude of practical knowledge. It's a delightful story with mild struggles of well-intentioned characters, incredibly written by Harker. One will enjoy getting to know Mr. Wycherly all over again, along with Jane-Anne, who has her heart devoted to him.


Good Press




ca. 197





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