The Pilgrim's Progress in Words of One Syllable

John Bunyan Lucy Aikin

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Beschreibung zu „The Pilgrim's Progress in Words of One Syllable“

Get ready for a new experience of John Bunyan's classic allegory with 'The Pilgrim's Progress in Words of One Syllable' by Lucy Aikin. Aikin has taken the original text and simplified it, so readers of all ages can enjoy it. This edition opens with Christian's famous dream, in which he sees a man in rags with a book in his hand and a great load on his back, struggling to find salvation. With vivid illustrations and engaging language, this book brings the timeless tale of Christian's journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City to life like never before. Perfect for young readers or anyone looking for a fresh take on a beloved classic.


Good Press




ca. 78





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