Dance With Me, My Lovely

Jaye Roycraft


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Beschreibung zu „Dance With Me, My Lovely“

Vampire Garran Lux has no lack of sexuality, and he flaunts it to the world as an instructor at a dance studio and as an exotic dancer. But the beast that rules his vampiric side is becoming stronger and harder to control. Without the control of his human side, he fears he'll start killing again. He decides to seek help from an urban shaman who specializes in spiritual healing and soul retrievals.

By coincidence--or is it fate?--Cate is the urban shaman Garran comes to for help. She's shocked to discover her new client is her fantasy lover from the strip club, and for some insane reason she agrees to help him despite her fear that he may be a killer.

The quest for Garran's lost soul becomes an exploration of human desire and inhuman lust that quickly evolves into a search for love. That is, if Cate and Garran can survive the perilous journey to the Land of the Dead to rescue his soul.


ImaJinn Books




ca. 143





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