
Coffee Shop Diaries I

J. T. Baka

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Beschreibung zu „Ukiyo-e“

Ukiyo-e - the floating world. Woodblock printings showing beautiful people, breathtaking sceneries, amazing landscapes, unforgettable moments.
Ukiyo-e - the fleeing world. Woodblock printings showing what's there in a very specific moment of time and space. And what will never be there again.
Like these woodblock printings from Japan j. t. baka tries to catch in his lyrics moments of beauty, of happiness and of funny times - but also moments of loss and sadness.
In his writings which are more personal than ever before j. t. baka records the fleeing moments of (his) life and of the times we are all living in and reflects on them. And here and there he is telling a story which maybe is funny at times.
"Ukiyo-e. Coffee Shop Diaries I" collects lyrics written between September 2018 and March 2020 in different coffee shops and other locations in the countries of Austria, Finland, Germany, Korea and Japan.


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