A History of England, Period III. Constitutional Monarchy

J. Franck Bright

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Beschreibung zu „A History of England, Period III. Constitutional Monarchy“

The historical novel "A History of England, Period III. Constitutional Monarchy" covers the period from 1689 to 1837 in its examination of the events of each reign. It covers the reigns of seven English monarchs William III, Anne, George I to George IV and William IV. The period was a tumultuous one with many important events taking place chief among them the 'Jacobite Succession' controversy that cast a shadow on the nation, pitting Catholics versus Protestants. Other significant events covered are the numerous political and legal reforms enacted to entrench constitutional monarchy in Britain, the agreement of Union between the three nations of the United Kingdom, various wars fought both within and without, and the prominent personalities of the time.


Good Press




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