A Sketch of the Life and Labors of George Whitefield

J. C. Ryle

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Beschreibung zu „A Sketch of the Life and Labors of George Whitefield“

In 'A Sketch of the Life and Labors of George Whitefield' by J.C. Ryle, readers are taken on a comprehensive journey through the life of the influential evangelist George Whitefield. Ryle's writing style is eloquent and engaging, providing a detailed account of Whitefield's ministry and impact on the religious landscape of his time. The book captures the essence of Whitefield's powerful preaching and his role in the Great Awakening, making it a valuable resource for those interested in religious history and evangelism. Ryle's work is a blend of biography and historical analysis, offering readers a deeper understanding of Whitefield's significance in the context of his era. Ryle's meticulous research and insightful commentary add depth to the narrative, making this book a must-read for scholars and enthusiasts alike. By examining Whitefield's life and legacy, Ryle sheds light on the enduring influence of this iconic figure in the history of Christianity, making 'A Sketch of the Life and Labors of George Whitefield' a compelling and enlightening read.


Good Press




ca. 35





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