Roughing it De Luxe

Irvin S. Cobb

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Beschreibung zu „Roughing it De Luxe“

Roughing it De Luxe is humorous book by Irvin S. Cobb. Cobb was an American writer, humorist, editor and magazine columnist. Excerpt: "Some of us aboard that train did not seem to care deeply for the desert; the cactus possibly disappointed others; and the mesquit failed to give general satisfaction, though at a conservative estimate we passed through nine million miles of it. A few of the delegates from the Eastern seaboard appeared to be irked by the tribal dancing of the Hopi Indians, for there was not a turkey-trotter in the bunch, the Indian settlements of Arizona being the only terpsichorean centers in this country to which the Young Turk movement had not penetrated yet. Some objected to the plains because they were so flat and plainlike, and some to the mountains because of their exceedingly mountainous aspect; but on one point we all agreed—on the uniform excellence of the dining-car service."


Good Press




ca. 90





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