Geschichten für Kinder über Autismus

Ein Vorlese- und Arbeitsbuch für Familienangehörige, Therapeuten und Pädagogen

Inez Maus

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Beschreibung zu „Geschichten für Kinder über Autismus“

Inez Maus=s stories provide material to talk about. They trigger feelings and have an ability to explain the world when they connect with everyday experience. The stories collected and illustrated in the book give children of preschool and elementary school age, with and without autism, examples of how to get along together without obstacles or fears about contact. Each story deals with specific aspects associated with the diagnosis of autism. The aim is to bring children closer together and facilitate joint activities. The working sections of the book are aimed at family and professional adult caregivers. They provide background knowledge for using the story book and a variety of ideas for games and activities that arise from the stories or can be drawn from them. The book=s appendix includes a full-page coloring picture to accompany each story illustration.


Kohlhammer Verlag




ca. 202





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