
Guy de Maupassant

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Beschreibung zu „Afloat“

Afloat, originally published as Sur l'eau in 1888, is a book of dazzling but treacherously shifting currents, a seemingly simple logbook of a sailing cruise along the French Mediterranean coast that opens up to reveal unexpected depths, as Guy de Maupassant merges fact and fiction, dream and documentation in a wholly original style. Humorous and troubling stories, unreliable confessions, stray reminiscences, and thoughts on life, love, art, nature, and society all find a place in Maupassant's pages, which are, in conception and in effect, so many reflections of the fluid sea on which he finds himself-happily but forever precariously-afloat. Afloat is thus a book that in both content and form courts risk while setting out to chart the meaning, and limits, of freedom, a book that makes itself up as it goes along and in doing so proves as startling and compellingly vital as the paintings of Maupassant's contemporaries van Gogh and Gauguin.

Über Guy de Maupassant

Guy de Maupassant, nació en 1850 en el castillo de Miromesnil, en el seno de una ennoblecida familia normanda. En 1880 publicó su cuento «Bola de sebo» en el volumen colectivo Las veladas de Médan, piedra fundacional del movimiento naturalista. Otros cuentos como los contenidos en La casa Tellier (1881) o Mademoiselle Fifi (1882) lo acreditaron como uno de los maestros del género, de modo que cuando en 1883 salió a la luz su primera novela, Una vida (1883; Alba), ya era un escritor famoso. A esta novela siguieron otras de la talla de Bel Ami (1885; Alba), Mont-Oriol (1887; Alba), Pierre y Jean (1888), Fuerte como la muerte (1889) y Nuestro corazón (1890; Alba). Murió en París en 1893.


Jovian Press




ca. 125





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