The Silent Battle

George Gibbs

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Beschreibung zu „The Silent Battle“

This work is a 1913 love story of two young people who meet in the woods, written by American author, illustrator, artist, and screenwriter, Geroge Fort Gibbs. The story circles Phil Gallatin, who meets a woman called Jane, in the wilderness of Canada. She comes from a wealthy background, unlike Phil making their personalities somewhat different from each other. These contrasting personalities add drama to the novel and make it more enjoyable. The excellent use of imagery, lofty yes comprehensible language, incredible portrayed characters, and a gripping storyline; all contribute to the book's success. This work of fiction is undoubtedly one of the best love stories produced during its time.

The author of this work, Geroge Fort Gibbs, wrote more than 50 famous books, mainly adventure stories revolving around spying on exotic sites. Many of his books were made into films, and his illustrations especially appeared in popular magazines. He also illustrated some of his own novels and the novels of others.


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