The Young Franc Tireurs, and Their Adventures in the Franco-Prussian War

G. A. Henty

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Beschreibung zu „The Young Franc Tireurs, and Their Adventures in the Franco-Prussian War“

'The Young Franc Tireurs, and Their Adventures in the Franco-Prussian War' is an adventure novel written by G. A. Henty. When the story begins, the town of Dijon was in a fever pitch of excitement as war with Prussia loomed on the horizon. The two Barclay cousins, Ralph and Percy, both 16 and 15 years old respectively and fluent in French and German, were determined to join the volunteer force to fight against the invading Prussians. Despite their father's initial reluctance, he ultimately allowed them to join, along with their cousins Lois and Philippe who also gained permission from their mother. With Captain Tempe at the helm of their corps, the young men set off to fight for their country as the enemy marched towards Nancy.


Good Press




ca. 308





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