Mrs. Cliff's Yacht

Frank Richard Stockton

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Beschreibung zu „Mrs. Cliff's Yacht“

Mrs. Cliff's Yacht is a humorous novel about a rich widowed lady and her escapades, written by Frank Richard Stockton. Stockton was an American writer and humorist. Excerpt: "For many months she had been possessed of enormous wealth, but never until this moment had she felt herself the absolute, untrammelled possessor of it. Until now Captain Horn, to whom she owed her gold, and the power it gave her, had been with her or had exercised an influence over her. Until the time had come when he could avow the possession of his vast treasures, it had been impossible for her to make known her share in them, and even after everything had been settled, and they had all come home together in the finest state-rooms of a great ocean liner, she had still felt dependent upon the counsels and judgment of her friends."


Good Press




ca. 253





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