The Wooden Hand

A Detective Story

Fergus Hume

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Beschreibung zu „The Wooden Hand“

Fergus Hume's 'The Wooden Hand' is a riveting mystery novel set in 19th century England. The book follows the story of a young detective who is tasked with solving a series of baffling murders, all linked to a mysterious wooden hand found at the crime scenes. Hume's writing style is characterized by its intricate plot twists and attention to detail, drawing readers into a world filled with intrigue and suspense. The novel's literary context reflects the popular detective fiction genre of the time, paving the way for future crime novels. Hume's ability to create a gripping narrative filled with unexpected twists and turns showcases his talent as a master storyteller. His work continues to captivate readers with its compelling storyline and well-developed characters. 'The Wooden Hand' is a must-read for fans of classic mystery novels, offering a thrilling and captivating reading experience that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very last page.


Good Press




ca. 245





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