The Turnpike House

Fergus Hume

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Beschreibung zu „The Turnpike House“

This is a mystery novel that revolves around Mrs. Jenner and her son Gilbert. Excerpt: "What is it, mother? Is Father coming?" "No, thank Heaven!" said the mother, fiercely. "Do you want him?" So white did the boy's face become that his eyes showed black as pitch balls. The question seemed to strike him like a blow, and he hurled himself forward to bury his head in the woman's lap. "Don't--don't let him come!" he sobbed, with unrestrained passion. "Why do you speak of him, then?" cried the mother, angrily, just as she might have addressed a person of her own age. "Never mention your father, Gilbert. He has gone out of your life--out of mine. He is dead to you--and to me." "I am glad," sobbed the boy, shaking with nervous excitement. "Are you sure, quite sure, Mother, he will never come back again?" "Who is sure of anything?" muttered the woman, gloomily. "He is out of prison now; at any time he may track us down. But he shall not get you, my boy," and she strained the child to her breast. "I would kill him first!"


Good Press




ca. 230





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