The First Sir Percy

Emmuska Orczy

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Beschreibung zu „The First Sir Percy“

The First Sir Percy is an adventure story by Baroness Orczy showcasing Sir Percy Blakeney, foregoer of Orczy's character The Scarlet Pimpernel. Excerpt: "She felt a little strange, a little humiliated perhaps, standing here alone, as if abandoned by the very man who but a moment ago had seemed ready to defy every convention for her sake. Just now she had been the centre of attraction, the pivot round which revolved excitement, curiosity, interest. Even the Stadtholder had, for the space of those few minutes, forgotten his cares and his responsibilities in order to think of her and to plead with her father for her freedom and her happiness. Now she was all alone, seemed so for the moment, while her father and Mynheer van den Poele and the older men crowded around his Highness, and every one had their eyes fixed on the curious spectacle below."


Good Press




ca. 269





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