Unto Cæsar

Baroness Orczy

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Beschreibung zu „Unto Cæsar“

The famed author of "The Scarlet Pimpernel", Baroness Emma Orczy is the author of the novel "Unto Caesar". The novel is set in ancient Rome, at the time of the dreaded Roman Emperor Caligula. The trader Arminius Quirinius had committed every crime, sunk to every kind of degradation which an inordinate love of luxury and the insatiable desires of jaded senses had suggested as a means to satisfaction, until the treachery of his own accomplices had thrown the glaring light of publicity on a career of turpitude such as even those decadent times had seldom witnessed. His suicide had brought a life of extortion and of fraud to an ignominious end through the force of public opinion, and by the decree of that same Cæsar who himself had largely benefited by the mal-practices of his minion. But the subsequent auction of his possessions would become the subject of a far greater controversy than the man himself…


Good Press




ca. 319





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