Love, Poverty and War

Journeys and Essays

Christopher Hitchens

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Beschreibung zu „Love, Poverty and War“

In this sweeping collection of essays, reportage and criticism, Hitchens' polemical talents at their most fearsome.
"I did not, I wish to state, become a journalist because there was no other 'profession' that would have me. I became a journalist because I did not want to rely on newspapers for information."
Love, Poverty and War: Journeys and Essays showcases the Hitchens' rejection of consensus and cliché, whether he's reporting from abroad in Indonesia, Kurdistan, Iraq, North Korea, or Cuba, or when his pen is targeted mercilessly at the likes of William Clinton, Mother Theresa ("a fanatic, a fundamentalist and a fraud"), the Dalai Lama, Noam Chomsky, Mel Gibson and Michael Bloomberg.
Hitchens began the nineties as a "darling of the left" but has become more of an "unaffiliated radical" whose targets include those on the "left," who he accuses of "fudging" the issue of military intervention in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq. Yet, as Hitchens shows in his reportage, cultural and literary criticism, and opinion essays from the last decade, he has not jumped ship and joined the right but is faithful to the internationalist, contrarian and democratic ideals that have always informed his work.

Über Christopher Hitchens

Christopher Hitchens, geboren 1949 im englischen Portsmouth, war als Buchautor und Auslandskorrespondent, Essayist, Literaturkritiker und Dozent tätig. Er schrieb regelmäßig u.a. für die New York Times, Slate, Vanity Fair und das Wall Street Journal. 2007 erschien sein Buch "Der Herr ist kein Hirte" im Blessing Verlag, 2011 sein Essay "Der Feind". Am 15. Dezember 2011 erlag Christopher Hitchens einer langen Krankheit.


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