
Dora Maar House / Provence Academy

Christoph Klütsch Daniel Plettenberg Gwen Strauss

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Beschreibung zu „CoArt“

Facing the 2020 global Covid-19 pandemic we were challenged to find a new format that allows for conversation and exchange, deep thinking, and creative questioning.
The pandemic had exposed what had been barely hidden: the global rifts of poverty and wealth, the differences in health care along race and class, the failure of capitalism to address urgent crises, and power-plays in political systems to exploit fear and widen those gaps.
We will always remember the summer of 2020. There will always be before the pandemic and after the pandemic. We are on a fulcrum moment in history. Why not, we asked ourselves, use this gestation period to explore, to note and mark, to exchange, and to create a collective document, a dynamic archive. Could the Dora Maar House and the Provence Academy offer a place where artists, like those in the Dance Macabre, might bear witness from their unique perspective?


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