Overcome Your Fear of Contact - A Training Program

Anne Schlosser

Hörbuch Ratgeber Psychologie & Selbsthilfe

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Beschreibung zu „Overcome Your Fear of Contact - A Training Program“

Anne Schlosser is a Network Marketing professional. In recent years she has successfully built up her own businesses. She and her team establishes its business success with networking. The aim is to come into conversation with people and to inspire them to go for their own products or business opportunities. The first step is always to get in touch with people. Anne Schlosser has developed this self-training program in seven steps for her employees and has been using it successfully for several years. Her goal is to make even people who have a difficulty with coming in contact with their environment use this simple program to pave the way.

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Daniel Williams


Business3000 Audiobooks




18 Min.





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