Behind Closed Doors

Anna Katharine Green

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Beschreibung zu „Behind Closed Doors“

Behind Closed Doors is a mystery novel by Anna Katharine Green. Green was an American poet and novelist known for her detective stories. Excerpt: "The ride was comparatively a silent one. Mr. Gryce, never much of a talker except when he had an object in view, found sufficient occupation for himself in looking out of the window, while Dr. Cameron was in too perturbed a condition of mind to risk speech even if the confused nature of his thoughts had allowed it. He was suffering from the first real blow his pride had ever received; for he knew now that it was his pride that had been hurt and not his heart, his pride which was so great that at the very thought of humiliation, his whole future became clouded. He a betrayed lover! He an outraged bridegroom! It was an intolerable thought, and yet he could not escape from it."


Good Press




ca. 359





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