Roping Lions in the Grand Canyon

Zane Grey

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Beschreibung zu „Roping Lions in the Grand Canyon“

Roping Lions in the Grand Canyon is a collection of western stories by Zane Grey. Grey was an American author known for his widespread adventure novels and stories related to the Western genre. Excerpt: "More than anything else that remark from such a man thrilled me with its subtle suggestion. He loved those beautiful horses. What wild rides he saw in his mind's eye! In cold calculation we perceived the wonderful possibilities never before experienced by hunters, and as the wild spell clutched us my last bar of restraint let down."

Über Zane Grey

The father of the western novel, Zane Grey (1872 - 1939) was born in Zanesville, Ohio. He wrote 58 westerns, including Spirit of the Border, Wildfire, and Riders of the Purple Sage, as well as almost 30 other books. Over 130 films have been based on his work.


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