Praxis Krisenintervention

Handbuch für helfende Berufe: Psychologen, Ärzte, Sozialpädagogen, Pflege- und Rettungskräfte

Silke Birgitta Gahleitner Wolf Ortiz-Müller Stefan Gutwinski

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Beschreibung zu „Praxis Krisenintervention“

Practising crisis intervention & that short formulation sums up the purpose of this third edition. The 24 authors are based in practical work and have written for people involved in practical work in the field. All of them have many years= specialist experience, which they convey through well-founded approaches to the handling of crises. Case studies illustrate the procedures and make for stimulating reading. A wide range of professional groups is addressed, adapted to the many different settings involved & psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and nurses in psychosocial care, as well as legal guardians and professionals in the fire, police and rescue services who deal with crises either daily or only occasionally. This is an indispensable reference work, especially for students, who can use it to quickly gain an overview of all the different fields in their future career choice.

Über Silke Birgitta Gahleitner

Silke Birgitta Gahleitner, Professorin für Klinische Psychologie und Sozialarbeit mit dem Schwerpunkt Integrative Therapie- und Interventionskonzepte. Karl Wahlen, Dipl.-Psych., Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, langjährige Leitung eines Fachbereichs Psychosoziale Dienste. Oliver Bilke-Hentsch, Dr. med., MBA, Kinder- und Jugendpsychiater, Chefarzt Modellstation SOMOSA Winterthur. Dorothee Hillenbrand, Dipl.-Psych., Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, Supervisorin.


Kohlhammer Verlag




ca. 316





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