Signs of Change

William Morris

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Beschreibung zu „Signs of Change“

William Morris's 'Signs of Change' is a seminal work of Victorian literature, blending poetry and prose to explore themes of societal revolution, industrialization, and the struggle of the working class. Written in a poetic and highly evocative style, the book serves as a manifesto for the Arts and Crafts movement, advocating for a return to traditional craftsmanship and a rejection of mass production. Morris's vivid imagery and powerful language evoke a sense of nostalgia for a simpler time, while also challenging readers to question the impact of modernity on society. 'Signs of Change' stands as a powerful critique of the industrial age, offering a romanticized vision of a more harmonious way of life. William Morris, a prominent figure in the Arts and Crafts movement, was deeply influenced by his socialist beliefs and his passion for traditional craftsmanship. His experiences as a designer, poet, and political activist informed his writing, giving 'Signs of Change' a sense of urgency and authenticity. I highly recommend this book to readers interested in Victorian literature, social critique, and the intersection of art and politics.


Good Press




ca. 149





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