Science Teaching with Moodle 2.0

Vincent Lee Stocker

Medizin, Wissenschaft & Technik

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Beschreibung zu „Science Teaching with Moodle 2.0“

In Detail

Moodle is an open source virtual learning environment that is becoming increasingly popular in schools worldwide due to its ease of use and flexibility. Science is the perfect subject to benefit from the features of Moodle as students will find it easier to learn with the help of interactive content, rather than reading ancient textbooks.

Science Teaching with Moodle 2.0 will give you lots of tips and tricks for teaching science using Moodle. This book will make learning more fun for your students and explain complicated concepts with ease with the help of images, diagrams, and interactive quizzes. It will teach you how to create quizzes, start forum discussions, embed videos, and much more, all while keeping the students' performance at the front of your mind, which is easily monitored using the Gradebook function.

Use Moodle to create quizzes, forums, activities, and much more, to make your science lessons more interactive


Packed with lots of practical examples, each chapter takes you through a different aspect of teaching using Moodle. All examples are based around a sample science course, which you can see growing throughout the book.

Who this book is for

This book is for science teachers who would like to enhance their lessons using Moodle. It doesn't matter if you haven't used Moodle before; as long as someone has set it up for you, you can get started with the exercises in the book straightaway.


Packt Publishing




ca. 142





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