The Diver's Clothes Lie Empty

Vendela Vida


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Beschreibung zu „The Diver's Clothes Lie Empty“

'Part glamorous travelogue, part slow-burn mystery, this full-bodied tale of a runaway is at once formally inventive and heartbreakingly familiar... (It's also insanely funny.)' -- Lena Dunham

From the acclaimed author of Let the Northern Lights Erase Your Name and The Lovers comes a tensely drawn, spellbinding literary thriller.
In Vendela Vida's taut and mesmerizing novel of ideas, a woman travels to Casablanca, Morocco, on mysterious business. Almost immediately, while checking into her hotel, she is robbed, her passport and all identification stolen. The crime is investigated by the police, but the woman feels there is a strange complicity between the hotel staff and the authorities-she knows she'll never see her possessions again.
Stripped of her identity, she feels both burdened by the crime and liberated by her sudden freedom to be anyone at all. Then, a chance encounter with a film crew provides an intriguing opportunity: A producer sizes her up and asks, would she be willing to be the body-double for a movie star filming in the city? And so begins a strange journey in which she'll become a stand-in-both on-set and off-for a reclusive celebrity who can no longer circulate freely in society while gradually moving further away from the person she was when she arrived in Morocco.

Über Vendela Vida

Vendela Vida, geboren 1972, gilt seit ihrem Debütroman „Und jetzt können Sie gehen“ als großes literarisches Talent der amerikanischen Literatur. Sie ist Mitherausgeberin der Literaturzeitschrift „The Believer“. Sie lebt mit ihrem Ehemann, dem Schriftsteller Dave Eggers, in San Francisco.


Atlantic Books




ca. 185





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