Friday, the Thirteenth

A Novel

Thomas William Lawson

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Beschreibung zu „Friday, the Thirteenth“

Friday the Thirteenth by Thomas William Lawson is the captivating mystery tale of how a poor stockbroker manages to send the Wall Street stocks into oblivion, causing stockbrokers to swear against trading on Friday the 13th. Excerpt: "Friday, the 13th; I thought as much. If Bob has started, there will be hell, but I will see what I can do." The sound of my voice, as I dropped the receiver, seemed to part the mists of five years and usher me into the world of Then as though it had never passed on. I had been sitting in my office, letting the tape slide through my fingers while its every yard spelled "panic" in a constantly rising voice, when they told me that Brownley on the floor of the Exchange wanted me at the 'phone, and "quick." Brownley was our junior partner and floor man. He talked with a rush. Stock Exchange floor men in panics never let their speech hobble."


Good Press




ca. 139





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