Recollections of Thomas D. Duncan, a Confederate Soldier

Thomas D. Duncan

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Beschreibung zu „Recollections of Thomas D. Duncan, a Confederate Soldier“

This work presents interesting and honest recollections of a Confederate soldier serving during the American Civil War or the War Between States. First published in 1922, sixty years after the civil war, Thomas D. Duncan wrote these memoirs to teach many generations to come by giving an accurate account of events that took place during the Civil war on both sides. The four-year war was between the United States and 11 Southern states that withdrew from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America.

Duncan has attempted to make this record free of his prejudices and passions and log everything from the Tocsin of War and Mobilization to Reconstruction and Americanism Triumphant. Hence, it is a vital piece of literature in understanding the civil war and the history of America.


Good Press




ca. 101





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