8th Loop for the Win! With Seven Lives’ Worth of XP and the Third Princess’s Appraisal Skill, My Behemoth and I Are Unstoppable! (Manga): Volume 2



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Beschreibung zu „8th Loop for the Win! With Seven Lives’ Worth of XP and the Third Princess’s Appraisal Skill, My Behemoth and I Are Unstoppable! (Manga): Volume 2“

Remille has managed the impossible and made a name for himself by defeating his old party in battle with help from Ciel’s magic Eye. But his fated death continues hanging over his head, looming three years in the future. Their party of two is still a little small for defeating that horror beyond horrors, so maybe it’s time to retrace some steps and find an old comrade—and perhaps some new ones too. Yet he and Ciel aren’t the only ones plotting in the kingdom...


J-Novel Club







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